Kymco XCITING 500 - Service Manual > Schematic Drawing, Service Information
Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition could be hazardous to your health.
Avoid breathing dust particles.
- A contaminated brake disc or pad reduces stopping power. Discard contaminated parts and clean a contaminated disc with high quality brake degreasing agent.
- Avoid spilling brake fluid on painted, plastic or rubber parts. Place a rag over these parts whenever the system is serviced.
- This section covers maintenance of the front and rear hydraulic brake system.
- Never allow contamination (dirt, water, etc.) to get into and open reservoir.
- Once the hydraulic system has been opened, or if the brake feel spongy, the system must be bled.
- Always use fresh DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed container when servicing the system. Do not mix different types of fluid as they may not be compatible.
- Always check brake operation before riding the vehicle.
Unit: mm (in)
Master cylinder reservoir cover screw 2 N*m (0.2 kgf*m, 1.4 lbf*ft)
Master cylinder holder bolt 12 N*m (1.2 kgf*m, 9 lbf*ft)
Brake lever pivot bolt 6 N*m (0.6 kgf*m, 4.3 lbf*ft)
Brake lever pivot nut 6 N*m (0.6 kgf*m, 4.3 lbf*ft)
Brake light switch screw 1 N*m (0.1 kgf*m, 0.7 lbf*ft)
Brake caliper mounting bolt 32 N*m (3.2 kgf*m, 23 lbf*ft) ALOC bolt: replace
with a new one.
Brake caliper bleed screw 6 N*m (0.6 kgf*m, 4.3 lbf*ft)
Brake pad pin 18 N*m (1.8 kgf*m, 13 lbf*ft)
Front/Rear caliper pad pin plug 2 N*m (0.2 kgf*m, 1.4 lbf*ft)
Brake hose oil bolt 35 N*m (3.5 kgf*m, 25 lbf*ft)
Delay valve bleed screw 6 N*m (0.6 kgf*m, 4.3 lbf*ft)
Brake lever soft or spongy
- Air in the hydraulic system
- Low brake fluid level
- Clogged fluid passage
- Contaminated brake disc/pad
- Warped/deformed brake disc
- Worn brake disc/pad
- Sticking/worn master cylinder piston
- Contaminated master cylinder
- Contaminated caliper
- Caliper not sliding properly
- Leaking hydraulic system
- Worn caliper piston seal
- Worn master cylinder piston cups
- Bent brake lever
Brake lever hard
- Clogged/restricted brake system
- Sticking/worn caliper piston
- Caliper not sliding properly
- Clogged/restricted fluid passage
- Worn caliper piston seal
- Sticking/worn master cylinder piston
- Bent brake lever
Brake drag
- Contaminated brake disc/pad
- Worn brake disc/pad
- Warped/deformed brake disc
- Caliper not sliding properly
See also:
Kymco XCITING 500 - Service Manual > Brake Fluid
Check Brake fluid Brake hose: Cracks/wear/damage → Replace. Apply the brake lever several times. Fluid leakage → Replace. Brake hose clamp: Loosen → Tighten