Kawasaki J300 - Service manual > Cylinder Removal
Engine Top End / Cylinder, Piston / Cylinder Removal
- Remove the cylinder head (see Cylinder Head Removal).
- Loosen the water hose clamp screw and disconnect the water hose [A].
- Remove:
Lower Camshaft Chain Guide [A]
Cylinder Bolts [B]
Cylinder [C] and Gasket
Cylinder Installation
- If a new cylinder is used, use a new piston ring.
- Be sure that two dowel pins [A] are properly fitted in the crankcase.
- Replace the cylinder base gasket [B] with a new one.
- Install the new cylinder base gasket.
- Position the piston ring opening as follows.
Top Ring [A]
Second Ring [B]
Upper Steel Rail [C]
Expander [D]
Lower Steel Rail [E]
- Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the piston and cylinder bore.
- Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the piston rings (see Piston Installation).
- Install the cylinder while compressing the piston rings with your fingers.
- Install the lower camshaft chain guide [A] securely.
- Fit the projections [B] to the grooves [C].
- Tighten the cylinder bolts temporary.
- Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Piston Removal
- Remove the cylinder (see Cylinder Removal).
- Place a clean cloth under the piston.
- Remove the snap ring [A].
- Remove:
Piston pin [A]
Piston [B]
- Carefully spread the piston ring opening with your thumbs and then push up on the opposite side of the ring [A] to remove it.
- Remove the 3-piece oil ring with your thumbs in the same manner.
See also:
Kawasaki J300 - Service manual > Piston Installation
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the oil ring expander, and install the oil ring expander [A] in the bottom piston ring groove so the ends [B] butt together. Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the oil ring steel rails, and install the oil ring steel rails, one above the expander and one below it. Spread the rail with your thumbs, but only enough to fit the rail over the piston. Release the rail into the bottom piston ring groove.